All Quiet On The Western Front


The 2022 adaptation of "All Quiet on the Western Front" is more than a war film—it's a profound exploration of humanity amidst chaos. This cinematic journey, featuring trench warfare, World War I history, and stellar performances, delves into the raw reality of conflict, emphasising its emotional depth and enduring impact.


Just purely as an experiment on societal norms, at what point would the average human bean find not crying in the cinema weirder than crying in one. How deep must the tragedy pictured be, how profound the sense of loss, how unbearable the pain of two dee characters, before your average dudebro thinks not crying would be perceived as a sign of serious apathy, psychopathy / sociopathy even. Before the very instinct to conform that has instructed him to flex his biceps at the sight of a child dying on tee vee informs him that the group of women two rows down from him might think him weirder for staring stoically as the seemingly random, objectively unnecessary brutality of war is captured brilliantly on the silver screen.


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