bad wolf

bad wolf.png

Apple Music



Here’s a question about the human spirit: how come you have the ability to crawl through certain psychological sewers with ease, while almost drowning entirely in other sewers of comparable size and stench? I ask because after a day spent hamstrung by self-doubt, I woke up to the obvious conclusion that doubt is a side effect of any creative act, and just went about my day. Previous instances of comparably debilitating self-doubt have left me out of action for a lot longer than just one day. Thank the stars and pray emoji, I guess.

Wolves have been a motif in the music I've been making as part of my now almost released album. Part of the reason why is because as a much younger person, I was deeply moved by the enduring internet cliché of the two wolves fighting within each one of us. Most of the reason why is because when I first started working on the music that would go on to become part of this album, I imagined my general anxiety as comparable to staying indoors, afraid of wolves on the streets. You know, irrational. And then the pandemic struck, and two things happened: one, there was literally a nameless faceless thing out on the streets forcing us to stay indoors, and two, everybody else was plunged into the same general anxiety.

Said in the voice of a boy half my age: I want it to be known that I thought up this wolf allegory way before the pandemic, I have proof and everything. Anyway, the fifth (and final) single from my album is also a reworking of the first demo I released from what was in April just a ‘bunch of tracks’. When I released it, I posted about it faux-cryptically: bad wolf is a track about bad wolves and how to defeat them. It's an anthem for lonely bedrooms and empty living rooms, a soundtrack for a view of deserted streets. I hope this article gives more context and sounds less deliberately obscure. That’s another thing about the human spirit: it’s amazing how much you can grow in two months.


my people are…


old songs